Initially, the political instability between two warring factions, the Republic of the coast and inland, causing ampoteze man who was loved with all his heart, Guha.
Anajiapiza reluctance again after the death of former Guha compatible with machetes hacking Kalunde parents and his brothers. Anakimbilia Tangani as a small child, Khalid where he begins a new life.
However, his vow of not wanting to re-enters the spot after the encounter and Faheed, so attractive young man of mixed race origin who came to love so much.
Kalunde is difficult to understand the feelings of the young man, resulting in yield Faheed sacrifice to save the life of a child Kalunde Khalid who were caught up in a huge fire.
Anaungua wrong in the incident and he later died at South Africa was taken for treatment. His death becomes another blow to a life of Kalunde who considers herself fortunate, very bad.
Fails supports it and trying to commit suicide on a large tree that was in the cemetery was yozikwa Faheed but is rescued by good Samaritans and now is in hospital he koendelea treated as well and given psychological treatment.
Treating doctor, Alfred Sami, struggling in its power to bring him Kalunde in its natural state and slowly begin to become accustomed.
What next? SONGA it ...
"Very sorry to all Kalunde befell thee," said the cheerful doctor and ask him a question that he did not trust in Kalunde.
"After all that happened, you're ready to open your heart to love another man who probably loves you than they were before they both right?"
Question the very lilimshtua Kalunde because he did not expect to hear from the doctor, turned their eyes smote one against another, and a long deep breath and kujiinamia.
"Why do not you tell me Kalunde? Or I offend? "Dr. Sami said with a gentle voice and exceed Kalunde approach.
"No you have not offended me doctor, I feel it can not happen the other man he loved me as it was for Faheed and Guha. You know I am very nawaogopa men because many of them are fraudulent, "said Kalunde and continue kujiinamia.
"It is true we men have the same nature, but not all."
"It's really not all but many are not."
"Have you looked at me you feel are charlatans among men?" Said Dr. Sami while being focused on Kalunde, likichanua wide smile on his face.
"Hon! No, you do not yet show that among them, "said Kalunde, very iliyomfurahisha doctor's statement. They kept talking different things about life.
By and large, the doctor had managed to help Kalunde for now at least that was his lovely smile on his face seem. You could not believe such a person is Kalunde who tried kuyakatisha his life.
"Did the doctor you married?"
"No Kalunde, I did not find the appropriate partner."
"Hon! Woman shall marry will be much easier because you know fair well, "said Kalunde to joke, they all laugh. For the time being willing to be gone a lot, Dr. Sami took Kalunde and restore the ward.
"Doctor I did not want to remain on the ward, I need to go home, I remember my son very much."
"For Kalunde you baby?"
"Yes, but not of birth but voluntary. Was presented during the chaos and told nimlee and make sure it grows. "
"Oh! Behold, you have a very loving heart, "said Dr. Sami to tell Kalunde that has a desire to see the child. He went out and went to the ward office of the doctor who was in charge of the treatment of Kalunde pray for permission from the ward.
"No, we do not allow, can go harm again."
"Can not a doctor, he shows well received psychological treatment that I have given, what's more I will be going home to them every morning and evening to keep kumsimamia will recover completely," Dr. Sami said, the doctor said to just shake her head marking agree.
Wakaongozana him to the ward where he further wrote 'discharge' Kalunde and his brothers give instructions to give enough time to relax, be alone kutomuacha long and turning away and that could hurt her.
"Thank you doctor," said Mohamed with his wife and promised Kuruthum working out such advice. Kalunde and took away from him until out where relatives, friends and other friends were very happy to see him having a great recovery.
They got up to use two cars were also of coming to their home, they come, the first thing to Kalunde was asking where he is his son, Khalid.
"Sorry mom," said the child childish accent, he ran Kalunde and kumrukia body while in tears.
"Thank you, my son, I beg pardon, I wanted to leave and leave you alone, nakuahidi I will not repeat them," he said Kalunde while he was in tears. That day he won a child having Gandana like a leech.
Each as he remembered he entrusted the child's environment, he feels guilty kuyakatisha great quest of his life and left him alone. That day passed, came the next day and finally on the third day ikawadia, the day the tradition Faheed parents, they should possibly expanding mourning the tragedy of their beloved child.
Although carers did not want to take her home Kalunde for parents Faheed him to mingle with other relatives mourning possibly expanding fear he may suffer as iliyomtokea day state funeral, Kalunde was very king'ang'anizi.
To his patronage and a mistake to allow more options to go but on one condition that all the time will be Kuruthum until they left. Wakajiandaa and came to the house of the parents of Faheed.
All procedures were conducted religious, yakaanuliwa funeral with full-time at the corner of Kuruthum Kalunde. After all the formalities completed, brothers, relatives and friends of the family said their farewells and leave, they remain Faheed parents and a few relatives.
With regard to Dr. Sami, and he continued to go home for women Kalunde continue his work to give psychological treatment as they were increasingly moving day so it was quite ikiyabadilisha Kalunde life.
The proximity between the two are that age did not have too much overlap continued to flourish, with the same doctor for child sex showing Khalid, a multiplied state Kalunde give great comfort.
"Doctor, you speak the truth you marry?"
"Sijaoa Kalunde, it means you trust me?"
"You most men lie so much, you can be deceived."
"And if you do, be prepared to come tomorrow I will take you and Khalid to my house where I live," said the doctor and parting with a child Kalunde Khalid, got into his car and his journey home began.
As far as the closeness between them it was on the rise, so unlike other ideas they were increasingly kukisumbua Kalunde head. Once he found himself loved the doctor and he longed to open another page will though his heart still be hesitant.