What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Depending on whether they are internal or external, these inflamed veins can cause itching, rectal bleeding, and pain that can sometimes be severe. 
Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids
The classic symptom of internal hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. Most often it is usually noticed as bright red streaks on toilet paper, but blood can also be found on the stool, underwear or in the toilet bowl. Internal hemorrhoids can sometimes bulge outside of the anus, rarely leading to the formation of a blood clot.
What is interesting about the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids is that a huge number of people actually can’t notice any symptoms. However, one of the most frequent symptoms that suggests the presence of hemorrhoids is bleeding during the process of defecation (similar to external hemorrhoids symptoms).It is very important for women not to confuse this bleeding with the bleeding that comes as a result of a menstrual cycle. In vast majority of cases, internal hemorrhoids are painless because they occur in an area which is less sensitive, but itching is a common occurrence.
External hemorrhoids are more frequently associated with pain, and if irritated from straining or excessive rubbing or cleaning, may also itch and bleed. Blood clots - also known as thrombosed hemorrhoids - are more commonly formed in external hemorrhoids. They can often feel like a hard, painful grapelike lump on the anus, and sometimes need to be removed surgically.
