Melt Your Underarm Flab And Back Fat With The Help Of These 4 Easy Workouts!

People often experience problems finding clothes that fit because of the extra fat on their back and the underarm flab. Still, there’s a way to change this and regain the lost confidence!
These exercises mostly affect your back and shoulders, working on the extra fat and melting it once for all.
Push and touch
This exercise works on your shoulders, chest and back. Try positioning your feet at shoulder width. Your arms should fall down with the palms forward. Raise them to the shoulders and aim the palms towards the ceiling. Remain in that position for a few seconds and then start raising your hands over your head. Your palms should be behind you now. Return to shoulder level, pause for a second and return the arms in the starting position. Don’t move any other body part. Repeat the exercise 8 times in 3 sets.
Bent over circular row
This exercise targets the upper and middle back, as well as the biceps and chest. Bent your knees slightly and bend the upper body forward. It should be parallel to the floor with the hands extended towards it. Circle the arms: left, up, towards the chest, right, down. Repeat this 12 times in 3 sets.
Crisscross reverse fly
This is great for the shoulders and upper back. Bend your knees slightly and your body at 45 degrees. Cross the arms at your wrists in front of the knees and then lift them to your shoulders and back. Repeat the exercise 12 times in 3 sets.
Elbow kiss
It’s great for your shoulders and chest. Raise the arms to shoulder height – aim the palms towards the ceiling. Bend the elbows on 90 degrees and then pull the arms in front of the chest until they touch. The shoulders shouldn’t be raised at any time. Repeat 12 times in 3 sets.
In order to have amazing results, do these exercises 15 minutes three times a week, in a period of 3 weeks.
