The Best Governments in Africa.
South Africa: Top achievement: South Africa is the most developed country in Africa.
Ghana: Top achievement: Ghana is the most peaceful country in Africa.
Tunisia: Top achievement: Tunisia is the safest country in Africa.
Eritrea: Top achievement: Eritrea has the lowest crime rate annually in Africa.
Rwanda: Top achievement: One million Rwandans were pulled above the poverty line between 2005 and 2010.
Botswana: Top achievement: Botswana is the least corrupt country in Africa.
Nigeria: Top achievement: Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy by GDP(Gross Domestic Products).
Ethiopia: Top achievement: Ethiopia is creating Millionaires at a faster rate than any other country in Africa.
Kenya: Top achievement: Kenya is the first country in Africa to drill geothermal power.
Zimbabwe: Top achievement: Zimbabwe has the highest adult literacy rate in Africa.
Blacks and whites now mix easily, with only occasional incidents of racial hostility. Life is infinitely better for millions of blacks. Schools, universities and jobs are open to all. Blacks dominate what were once white preserves of power in government, the army and police, the courts and state television. A black middle-class has blossomed, with many flaunting their wealth. Black majority rule has triumphed.
The government rightly boasts of progress in providing housing, water, electricity and health care to blacks who were deprived under apartheid. Some claims are deceptive, for example – that 95 percent of people have access to clean water; in fact, about 65 percent have actually benefited – which is impressive but it also means about 8 million out of the population of 50 million are without proper water.
At the other end of the scale, corruption and cronyism abound. President Jacob Zuma is currently himself the target of media attack based on suspicions that $20 million of taxpayer money was improperly used to upgrade his rural home. Zuma has used patronage to surround himself with supporters and is increasingly unpopular. Yet, he and the African National Congress which he heads still command enough support to ensure that he will be re-elected.When all is said and done, whatever the failures and problems, a sense of buoyancy and hope remains strong. Two decades after the end of apartheid suffering, black South Africans believe that the future is rightfully theirs.